Headshot of Nathan Gabhart, a brunette man in a suit and tie.

Founder, TrueScripts

“I can vividly remember what would be the beginning of a sequence of events that would eventually lead to a dramatic change in the trajectory of my career. It occurred outside room 172 when Dr. Jane Krause stopped me and asked if I would be interested in serving as the APhA-ASP Region 8 MRM Coordinator. I said yes without even knowing what MRM stood for. Little did I know, this would lead me to other positions and, ultimately, to becoming the first APhA-ASP National Officer in the history of Purdue. Most importantly, this opened so many doors of opportunity.”

BS 1998, Pharmacy, Purdue University

Career Highlights
  • 1997 Robert Evanson Scholarship – Walgreens Corporate Headquarters
  • 2010-2014 Community Pharmacies of Indiana President
  • 2012 Indiana Pharmacists Association President
  • 2018 Indiana Association of County Commissioners President
  • 2018 Outstanding County Commissioner

Nathan Gabhart grew up in Washington, Indiana, and attended Purdue University in 1991. Due to poor study habits, it took several attempts before getting accepted to pharmacy school. Perseverance was the key to chasing a dream of ultimately owning a company that could change lives. Nathan was selected to work at Walgreens headquarters during the summer before his final year of pharmacy school in 1997. However, he passed up a career with Walgreens to work for a small independent pharmacy in his hometown. Nathan served as a part owner and board member and helped grow this two-pharmacy chain into 13 locations before leaving in 2013 to pursue his dreams of owning a business of his own.

In 2013, Nathan founded TrueScripts management services, a pharmacy benefit manager which took an oath to never own pharmacies or have any conflicts of interest. TrueScripts was created to ultimately be a philanthropic organization that hired givers, not takers, and true servant leaders. Tithing was also a must from the very beginning. Without any fanfare, TrueScripts conducted themselves as if God was always watching and quietly donated to over 800 organizations around the world. In 2023, TrueScripts surpassed the $10,000,000 mark in total charitable donations.

Nathan, and his partners, Kevin Messmer and John Bell also wanted to bless those who blessed them and converted TrueScripts to an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) in December 2023. In his free time, Nathan has competed in nine Ironman triathlons and serves as a county commissioner in Daviess County.