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Award Summary:

The McKeehan Graduate Fellowship in Pharmacy provides support for graduate students in the College of Pharmacy who are enrolled in the Doctor of Philosophy program with research interests in the physical sciences, which may include, but not limited to, preformulation, formulation, manufacturing, biophysics, and physical chemistry in drug discovery and development. Organic synthesis, pharmacology, animal and clinical studies are generally excluded.


To be eligible for this fellowship, a student must be making satisfactory progress in his or her study and research within the Department of Industrial and Molecular Pharmaceutics or the Borch Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology.


ADG Office & Dr. C. Wayne McKeehan

Application Process:

An applicant should submit a two-page description of their research area and accomplishments, a letter of recommendation (submitted separately by the recommender), curriculum vitae, and a copy of the student’s Purdue University transcript showing graduate courses completed. Applications should be submitted to the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs (in PDF form) on or before August 30, 2019. The candidates will be reviewed by the College Graduate Awards committee or a committee appointed by the Dean of the College of Pharmacy. Selection will be made according to the student’s advancement into their programs and research relevance toward physical sciences.

Award/Due Date:

Two awards will be given for 2020. This award will be made in the form of a 12-month fellowship that includes a $14,000 stipend plus an additional allocation to cover insurance expenses (~$1572/year). The department or respective graduate mentor (PI) will be expected to supplement the fellowship with either a ¼ time TA or RA to cover full costs for fee remissions and to bring the annual stipend amount up to at least the departmental minimum. The award will be available starting as early as January 1, 2020.

To Apply:

Please follow this link.