Visit Us

We welcome visitors to the College of Pharmacy. Please contact us ahead of your visit so we can arrange to optimize your time with us. Appropriate contacts are listed below. We can't wait to see you!

The Visitor Information Center maintains a set of directions to Purdue University on the web. These directions will take you to either the Visitor Information Center or the Visitor Parking Garage. Print a copy of this map and use it to navigate from either of these two locations to the College of Pharmacy. We are in the building labeled "RHPH" (for the Robert HeinePharmacy building), located in grid F5 on the map. A map of the entire campus is also available. You may wish to consult Purdue University's list of construction and travel alerts and travel maps prior to your visit to campus.

Prospective undergraduate and professional program students

Contact the Office of Student Services:

Phone: (765) 496-6885
Fax: (765) 496-1875
Office: Room 156 RHPH

Transfer students should contact Steve Myszak.

Prospective graduate students

Generally, you should contact the graduate program in which you are interested. The College's graduate programs are administered by the three departments in the College -  Industrial and Molecular PharmaceuticsMedicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, and Pharmacy Practice. Additionally, some of the faculty in the College participate in some of the University's interdisciplinary graduate programs, which can be contacted directly.

If you have difficulty contacting a department or program, you may contact Jamie Moffatt, Administrative Assistant for Research and Graduate Programs:

Phone: (765) 494-1362
Fax: (765) 494-7880
Office: Room 106A RHPH