The College of Pharmacy offers students MS and Ph.D. graduate programs in three different departments:
- Department of Industrial and Molecular Pharmaceutics: The Department of Industrial and Molecular Pharmaceutics provides academic and research opportunities for graduate students interested in pharmaceutics. Pharmaceutics is a discipline that encompasses the different areas of industrial pharmacy, including the development of small-molecule pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals, pharmacokinetics/biopharmaceutics, and physical pharmacy. The broad spectrum of research interests in one academic department, combined with research projects that integrate the physical, chemical and biological sciences, provides the graduate student with an unparalleled opportunity to work in an outstanding intellectual research environment.
Graduate Degree:
Ph.D. in Industrial and Molecular Pharmaceutics - Borch Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology: As one of the top-rated programs in the country, the Borch Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, is unique compared to its peers. Both medicinal chemistry and molecular pharmacology are integrated within a single academic unit. This arrangement promotes a seamless dialogue between chemical and biological approaches, which is essential for translating basic discoveries into novel therapeutics. Our faculty are fully integrated into the NCI-designated Purdue Center for Cancer Research, the Purdue Institute for Drug Discovery, the Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience, and the Purdue Institute of Inflammation, Immunology and Infectious Disease.
Graduate Degrees:
Masters in Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology - Department of Pharmacy Practice: The Department of Pharmacy Practice is the oldest pharmacy administration program in the nation, as well as a clinical pharmacy that focuses in two areas: educational evaluation and clinical science. The mission of the Department of Pharmacy Practice is to demonstrate excellence through performance in the areas of discovery, learning, and engagement. The experience and knowledge of the faculty of the Department of Pharmacy Practice enable professional degree students to receive excellent didactic and experiential training necessary to become well-rounded practitioners.
Graduate Degrees:
Masters in Pharmacy Practice
Ph.D. in Pharmacy Practice
Professional Doctorate in Pharmacy Practice