The Purdue University Doctor of Pharmacy Admissions Committee will strive to admit qualified students who exhibit character, integrity, academic readiness, and outstanding interpersonal skills, as these are important traits when providing comprehensive, compassionate patient care and public service to diverse patient populations. Evidence of community volunteer service and leadership experience is also valued in the selection process.

Prior to entrance in the PharmD program, students must complete all pre-pharmacy program requirements, with the following exceptions:

  • Students are limited to two core math/science courses during the summer term immediately prior to beginning the PharmD program.
  • Introduction to Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (PHSC 10000) is a highly encouraged elective for any student interested in a career in pharmacy. Intro to Pharmacy and the Admissions Process (PHSC 20000) is a highly encouraged elective for those interested in admission to the professional pharmacy program and pharmacy licensure.

Application Process

Students applying for admission into the PharmD program must complete an application through the Pharmacy College Application Service (PharmCAS) starting on July 11, 2024, and finishing no later than December 2, 2024 for fall admission.  

Note: PCAT scores are not used in the Purdue College of Pharmacy PharmD admissions process.

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