Pre-Doctor of Pharmacy
This is an accelerated, 2-year, non-degree curriculum which prepares students to apply to the 4-year Purdue professional PharmD program. This fast paced preparatory program allows students to incur less debt and enter the workforce more quickly than many other PharmD programs. Our program accounts for 64 credit hours of college credit. To be eligible for professional level financial aid 72 hours of undergraduate credit is required. Please note that any AP, IB, dual credit, department credit, and pass/not pass not meeting admissions prerequisites will apply toward the 72 hours.
The Pre-Pharm curriculum is housed within the first two years of the Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Science (BSPS) program, and the core curriculum is identical for both educational goals. This allows students time to immerse in coursework and determine if their pathway will be a non-licensure bachelor’s degree or application to the PharmD program. Although Pre-Pharm coursework primarily focuses on biology, chemistry, physics, and math, pre-pharmacy students also take courses on interprofessional skills, composition, and economics, as well as optional online elective courses, including Pharmacy Orientation, which focuses on career path options, and Intro to Pharmacy and the Admissions Process which focuses on pharmacy practice fundamentals and prepares students for the PharmD admissions process.
Completion of the Pre-Pharm program does not guarantee admission into the PharmD program.