Below are listed the career choices and starting salaries of our May 2022 Doctor of Pharmacy graduates as of August 30, 2022.

Placement for May 2022 PharmD Graduates - 147 graduates
Employment Number Percent Avg. Salary Salary Range
Residency 72 49 % $48,636 $27,516 - $61,000
Fellowship 12 8.2 % $64,450 $53,000 - $102,000
Community Pharmacy (Chain and Independent) 26 17.7 % $122,000 $93,000 - $125,000
Other (e.g. hospital, industry, etc.) 22 15.0 % $108,197 $90,000 - $160,000
Offers, but not yet accepted as of May 2022 5 3.4 % n/a n/a
Seeking Employment 2 1.2 % n/a n/a
No Response 7 4.7 % n/a n/a
Note: percentages do not sum to 100% due to rounding.

Placement for May 2022 Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduates - 45 graduates
Employment Number Percent
Employed† 9 21.5 %
Continuing Education‡ 13 29.5 %
Offers, but not yet accepted as May 2021 1 2.2 %
Seeking Employment 4 9.1 %
No Response 18 40.9 %
† - Average salary $57,125, Range $40,000-70,000
‡ - enrolled in graduate or health professional program