JeanAnne D. & James B. Chaney

Why is it important/what motivates you to give back to the College of Pharmacy?

It is important as you go through life to give forward. I can't think of one individual example of something outstanding someone did for me, but I know there had to have been MANY times when people went out of their way to help me get a great education at Purdue.

You have made a planned gift. Why did you decide to use this specific vehicle (will, annuity, CRT, etc.) to make a gift?

The charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT) seemed like an effective way for us to create new and unique opportunities for the College. At the time, we were seeking some tax relief and also wanted to further our support of Purdue. We met with Gordon Chavers and determined that a charitable remainder unitrust was the most attractive option for us.

What was your experience at Purdue as a student? Any particularly fond/humorous memories of your days at Purdue?

Probably one of the funniest things Purdue had was its "Temporary Buildings" which pharmacy used and we accepted as part of campus. My husband, Jim, is not a Purdue graduate, and he had quite a laugh when he saw those buildings, asked their age, and found out that they were at least 50 years old. They really did last much longer than their "Temporary" title.

How has your pharmacy education shaped your life/career?

My experience at Purdue was fantastic. I was very prepared for my first job at University Hospitals in Cleveland. I have never had to apologize for my pharmacy education, and I've worked in hospital, nursing home and retail pharmacy.

How do you hope your planned gift will impact the College of Pharmacy and its students in the future?

I hope that our gift will be the difference between at least one individual student being able to complete his/her education verses not being able to finish.