PARS (Personnel Activity Reports) are for effort reporting (the process by which Purdue University documents the compensated effort expended on Sponsored Research Projects during each reporting period).  Effort certification is verification by the individual completing the PAR that the distribution of charges reflects a reasonable estimate of the work performed during the given Effort Reporting Period.  All faculty, staff and students paid on Sponsored Research funds will have a PAR that must be certified by someone with firsthand knowledge.   

All effort reporting is done via SEEMLESS (including now for bi-weekly paid staff/students such as graduate students).

You can access the SEEMLESS system through the One Campus Portal here.  To log on, find the SEEMLESS icon and log in with your career account:

Seemless icon

Once in SEEMLESS, please use the Effort Reporting tile.  You will need to certify the following PARS:

1.)    PAR for yourself, if applicable (only applicable if you were paid on sponsored research grants or contracts during the above period)

2.)    PAR for any staff reporting to you such as graduate students, post docs, or research staff paid on research grants or contracts

Please review each PAR for accuracy.  If there are known issues or errors, please notify us right away so we can correct the effort to the appropriate account. 

If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact or your designated Account Manager.  If you would like to meet and work through the process, please let us know.